Importance and benefits of Breastfeeding

Being a mother can be wonderful yet scary at the same time. There are so many expectations that it can be overwhelming at times. In moments like these is when every mother deserves a strong support system. This is what we hope to achieve through the Breastfeeding Club and Breastfeeding Support Group. We aim to make this a safe space for open dialogue regarding breastfeeding.

  • Breastfeeding… this is a process of feeding your infant or toddler with breast milk directly from female breast and this is called lactation as well.
  • It is the best and highly-followed way to provide nutrients to children for their healthy growth and development.
  • When infant and during early childhood, the baby needs adequate nutrition to endure there is proper growth, health and development to their full potential.
  • Poor levels in nutrition may increase the risk of falling sick frequently and can be directly or indirectly responsible for one third of the estimated deaths that caused to children under the age of 5.
  • Adequate Nutrition starts right after birth- i.e. in the initial 1 hour.