Best Treatment for Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) in Children, Chennai

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Dr. SENTHIL GANESH K - Consultant -  Pediatric Surgeon and Urologist

Dr. Senthil Ganesh K

Consultant - Pediatric Surgeon and Urologist

  English,Tamil Guindy, Anna Nagar

DR. DHINESH BALAJI J D - Consultant Pediatric Surgeon and Pediatric Urologist

Dr. Dhinesh Balaji J D

Consultant Pediatric Surgeon and Pediatric Urologist

  English Anna Nagar, Guindy

Dr. Nandhini G - Senior consultant Pediatric surgeon and urologist

Dr. Nandhini G

Senior consultant Pediatric surgeon and urologist

  English,Hindi,Tamil,Telugu Anna Nagar, Guindy

Best Treatment for Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) in Children, Chennai

 Best Treatment for Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) in Children, Chennai , Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in children is a concerning urinary condition where urine flows backward from the bladder into the kidneys, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections and potential kidney damage. In Chennai, addressing VUR in children has been revolutionized by advanced medical interventions and expert care, notably at Rainbow Children's Hospital, a renowned center known for its excellence in pediatric urology.

The hospital's approach to treating VUR is comprehensive, emphasizing a multidisciplinary strategy. Specialists collaborate to create tailored treatment plans, considering the severity of reflux, the child's age, and associated health factors. Rainbow Children's Hospital employs cutting-edge diagnostic tools like voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) and renal ultrasound to accurately assess VUR's extent and impact on the kidneys.

For mild to moderate cases, the hospital often recommends a watchful waiting approach, monitoring the child's condition with regular check-ups and prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infections. However, for more severe cases or those causing kidney damage, they offer various treatment options. Endoscopic injection therapy, a minimally invasive procedure where a bulking agent is injected into the ureter to prevent urine reflux, is frequently employed with high success rates.

In cases requiring surgical intervention, Rainbow Children's Hospital has skilled pediatric urologists proficient in performing advanced procedures like ureteral reimplantation. This surgical technique involves repositioning the ureters to stop urine from backing up into the kidneys, effectively correcting the reflux.

Moreover, the hospital focuses on holistic care, supporting families throughout the treatment journey. They prioritize educating parents about VUR, its implications, and the importance of follow-up care to ensure the child's well-being.

Rainbow Children's Hospital's commitment to pediatric urology and their track record of successful interventions have made them a preferred choice for parents seeking the best care for their children with VUR in Chennai. The amalgamation of expertise, advanced technology, and a compassionate approach sets Rainbow Children's Hospital apart in the field of pediatric urology, making it a beacon of hope for families dealing with VUR concerns.

Best Treatment for Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) in Children, Chennai


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What causes Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) in children?
Vesicoureteral reflux occurs when the valve-like mechanism between the ureter and bladder fails to work properly. This malfunction allows urine to flow backward from the bladder into the kidneys. It can be congenital or acquired due to urinary tract abnormalities or infections.
How is VUR diagnosed in children?
Diagnosis often involves imaging tests like voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) or renal ultrasound. VCUG shows the backward flow of urine into the ureters and kidneys during bladder voiding, while renal ultrasound helps assess kidney damage or abnormalities.
What are the treatment options for VUR in children?
Treatment varies based on the severity of VUR. For mild cases, observation with regular check-ups and antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent infections might suffice. Moderate to severe cases might require minimally invasive procedures like endoscopic injection therapy or surgical options like ureteral reimplantation.
Is VUR a serious condition?
While mild cases may not cause significant harm, moderate to severe VUR can lead to recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney damage, and in severe cases, renal failure. Timely intervention and management are crucial to prevent long-term complications.
How successful are the treatments for VUR in children?
The success rates for treating VUR are high, especially with minimally invasive procedures like endoscopic injection therapy. Surgical options like ureteral reimplantation also yield excellent outcomes in correcting the reflux and preventing further kidney damage.
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