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Dear Parent, We wish to inform you that Vaccination Services for your children are available at all the Pediatric Outpatient Clinics of Rainbow Hospitals. Although the schedule of the vaccines may differ in different countries, the vaccines given are mostly the same. The make and brands of the vaccines used at our centres are at par with International Standards and comply with the schedules of most of the countries and regions.

Vaccination Chart
Age of the Child
6 Weeks
10 Weeks
14 Weeks
6 Months
9 Months
12 Months
15 Months
18 Months
2 Years
3 Years
5 Years
8 Years
10 Years
12 Years
13 to 26 Years
Name of the Vacccine
BCG, OPV, Hepatitis B (1st).
DTP/ DTaP +HiB + OPV/ IPV Pneumonococcal Vaccine (1st) Hepatitis B (2nd) Rotavirus (1st)
DTP/ DTaP +HiB + OPV/ IPV Pneumonococcal Vaccine (2nd) Rotavirus (2nd)
DTP/ DTaP +HiB + OPV/ IPV Pneumonococcal Vaccine (3rd) Rotavirus (3rd)
Hepatitis B (3rd), OPV First Dental Check Up *
Measles Vaccine, OPV
Pneumonococcal (4th Dose) Hepatitis A (1st)
MMR (1st) Chicken Pox (1st)
DTP/ DTaP + OPV/ IPV + HiB (1st Booster) Hepatitis A (2nd)
Typhoid Vaccine
MMR (2nd) *** Chicken Pox (2nd) ***
DTP/ DTaP, OPV/ IPV (2nd Booster) Typhoid Vaccine
Typhoid Vaccine
Tdap / dT / TT
HPV 1st Dose HPV 2nd Dose (2 months from 1st Dose) HPV 3rd Dose (6 months from 1st Dose)

For any general information (Vaccine availability, cost, etc) about Vaccination, please contact:

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What is an infection?
An infection happens when a "microorganism" (a living thing so small that we can't see them individually) begins to grow and multiply in the body. We all have millions of microorganisms on and in our bodies. There are many bacteria (microorganisms that can live independently) on our skin, and even more in our intestines and mouths. These bacteria are not only fairly harmless (unless your immune system isn't working quite right) but actually help you out. However, there are many bacteria that will make you sick. Some are usually not found in the body unless you are sick. In other cases, normally harmless or helpful bacteria may overgrow or invade parts of the body where they aren't supposed to be.There are also viruses, particles that cannot live by themselves but which can invade your body's cells, take over those cells' growth machinery, and make the cells start producing more virus particles.
What is an immunization?
Our bodies are vulnerable to infections from many bacteria and viruses. Because of that we have many natural defenses, collectively called the "immune system", designed to fight infections. Some infections are harder for us to fight off than others, but for many of the serious viral diseases (for which there are no antibiotics) and some bacterial infections it is possible to induce immunity with a vaccine made from components of the infecting bug or the toxin (biochemical poisons) that some bacteria produce, which will prevent future infections with the natural, full-strength bug. Although some of the available vaccines can give you immunity after a single dose no matter when you receive it, others have to be given several times at certain ages and intervals to provide full protection. With some diseases your immunity will eventually wear off, and so you will need booster immunizations at intervals to stay fully protected. Because of this, it's important to keep your child's (and your own) immunization schedule up to date. It's always a good idea to keep a copy of your child's immunization record. Besides being useful if schools or day-care centers need the information (as they usually will at some point) it can also come in handy if your child is ill and the doctors need to make sure that s/he is not susceptible to a particular bug
Immunization Schedule
Age of the Child
6 Weeks
10 Weeks
14 Weeks
6 Months
9 Months
12 Months
15 Months
18 Months
2 Years
3 Years
5 Years
8 Years
10 Years
12 Years
13-26 Years (Only for girl child)
Anytime after 6 months of age
Name of the Vacccine
BCG, OPV, Hepatitis B (1st).
DTP/ DTaP +HiB + OPV/ IPV Pneumonococcal Vaccine (1st) Hepatitis B (2nd) Rotavirus (1st)
DTP/ DTaP +HiB + OPV/ IPV Pneumonococcal Vaccine (2nd) Rotavirus (2nd)
DTP/ DTaP +HiB + OPV/ IPV Pneumonococcal Vaccine (3rd) Rotavirus (3rd)
Hepatitis B (3rd), OPV First Dental Check Up *
Measles Vaccine, OPV
Pneumonococcal (4th Dose) Hepatitis A (1st)
MMR (1st) Chicken Pox (1st)
DTP/ DTaP + OPV/ IPV + HiB (1st Booster) Hepatitis A (2nd)
Typhoid Vaccine
MMR (2nd) *** Chicken Pox (2nd) ***
DTP/ DTaP, OPV/ IPV (2nd Booster) Typhoid Vaccine
Typhoid Vaccine
Tdap / dT / TT
HPV 1st Dose HPV 2nd Dose (2 months from 1st Dose) HPV 3rd Dose (6 months from 1st Dose)
Influenza (Flu) Vaccine **

In spite of mild cold or cough, vaccines can be given. Vaccines should be avoided if there is any fever in last 24 hours.
* First Dental Check with the dentist starts at 6 months age and recommended 6 monthly till 2 years age.
** Please discuss with your doctor about need of Influenza Vaccine every year.
*** The second dose of MMR and Varicella may be administered before age 5 years, provided at least 4 weeks have elapsed since the first dose.

Frequently asked Questions (FAQs) about Vaccination

Why are vaccines given at such an early age?
Vaccines are given at an early age because the diseases they prevent can strike at an early age. Some diseases are far more serious or common among infants or young children. For example, up to 60% of severe disease caused by Haemophilusinfluenzae type b occurs in children under 12 months of age. Again, the age at which a particular vaccine is given to your child also depends upon the geographical area and that county’s health care policy, and this will in turn depend on the prevalence of a particular disease in that area/country.
Where will I stay till I’m admitted to the hospital or after I’m discharged?
Depending on your budget, we can arrange accommodation for you and your attendant close to the hospital at nearby guest houses, service apartments or luxurious 5-star hotels. Facilities like hospital visits, on-call doctor, cab services and emergency ambulance can also be arranged by us.
What if my child misses a dose of vaccine?
They can continue the series where they left off. Vaccinations are not rendered invalid and do not have to be repeated when there is a longer-than-recommended interval between doses in a series.
How safe are vaccines?
They are very safe. But like any medicine, they are not perfect. They can cause reactions. Usually these are mild, like a sore arm or slightfever. Serious reactions are very uncommon. Your health-care provider will discuss the risks with you before your child gets each vaccine. The important thing to remember is that vaccines are much safer than the diseases they prevent.
Do vaccines always work?
Vaccines work most of the time, but not always. Most childhood vaccinations work between 90% and 100% of the time. Sometimes, though, a child may not respond to certain vaccines, for reasons that aren’t entirely understood.
What will happen if my child doesn’t get his vaccinations?
One of two things could happen:
  • If your child goes through life without ever being exposed to any of these diseases, nothing will happen.
  • If your child is exposed to one of these diseases, there is a good chance he will get it. What happens then depends on the child and the disease. Most likely he would get ill and have to stay in bed for a few days up to 1–2 weeks. But he could also get very sick and have to go to the hospital. At the very worst, he could die. In addition, he could also spread the disease to other children or adults who are not immune
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