Best Treatment for Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children, Delhi

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Dr. SHABIULLAH SYYED - Consultant – Psychiatrist

Dr. Shabiullah Syyed

Consultant – Psychiatrist

  Hindi,English Malviya Nagar

Dr. Rajesh Kumar - Consultant

Dr. Rajesh Kumar


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Best Treatment for Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children, Delhi

Best Treatment for Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children, Delhi In Delhi, the management of Separation Anxiety Disorder in children is approached with a multifaceted strategy, emphasizing both therapeutic interventions and family involvement. Mental health professionals in various clinics and hospitals across the city adopt evidence-based treatments tailored to the child's age, severity of symptoms, and family dynamics. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) stands as a cornerstone, assisting children in understanding and managing their anxious thoughts. Through gradual exposure and coping techniques, this therapy aids them in confronting and handling separation distress effectively.

Moreover, a collaborative effort involving parents or guardians is integral to the treatment process. Family therapy sessions are often employed to educate parents about the disorder, equipping them with tools to provide a supportive environment for their child. Establishing consistent routines and implementing gradual separation exercises at home are fundamental components advocated by professionals, fostering a sense of security for the child and easing their anxiety over time.

In addition to therapy, some clinicians may consider pharmacological interventions in severe cases or when therapy alone proves insufficient. However, medication is typically viewed as a complement to therapy rather than a standalone solution. The prescription and management of medication adhere to stringent guidelines, ensuring the child's safety and well-being throughout the treatment process.

Delhi boasts a range of mental health facilities and practitioners specializing in pediatric anxiety disorders, ensuring families have access to diverse treatment options. These centers focus on creating a nurturing and empathetic environment, fostering trust and comfort for the child undergoing treatment. Ultimately, the collaborative efforts between mental health professionals, families, and the child himself/herself play a pivotal role in successfully managing Separation Anxiety Disorder in children in Delhi, emphasizing a holistic approach that extends beyond the confines of any particular institution or practice.

Best Treatment for Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children, Delhi


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How effective is therapy in treating Separation Anxiety Disorder in children?
Therapy, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), has shown significant effectiveness in treating Separation Anxiety Disorder. In Delhi, therapists often use CBT techniques tailored to a child's age and situation, helping them manage anxiety and separation distress more effectively over time.
What role do parents play in the treatment process?
Parents or guardians are integral in supporting a child through this disorder. They often participate in family therapy sessions, where they learn about the disorder and gain tools to create a supportive environment at home. Establishing routines and practicing gradual separations with guidance from professionals can significantly aid in the child's progress
Are medications commonly prescribed for children with Separation Anxiety Disorder in Delhi?
While therapy remains the primary treatment, medications may be considered in severe cases or when therapy alone isn’t sufficient. However, prescribing medication to children is carefully regulated and considered as a supplementary measure alongside therapy.
How long does the treatment typically last?
The duration of treatment can vary based on the child's individual progress and the severity of their condition. Some children may show improvement within a few months, while others might need ongoing therapy and support for a longer duration.
Where can families seek help for Separation Anxiety Disorder in Delhi?
Delhi has various mental health facilities, clinics, and hospitals specializing in pediatric anxiety disorders. Families can seek help from child psychologists, psychiatrists, or mental health professionals practicing in these institutions or private clinics, ensuring access to diverse treatment options tailored to their child's needs.
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