Best Treatment For Plagiocephaly in Children, Vizag

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Best Treatment For Plagiocephaly in Children, Vizag

Best Treatment For Plagiocephaly in Children, Vizag , Plagiocephaly, commonly known as flat head syndrome, refers to the flattening of one side of an infant's head, often due to prolonged pressure on that area. While it doesn't typically cause harm, Rainbow Children's Hospital in Vizag addresses parental concerns about this condition.

Plagiocephaly can result from factors like spending extended periods in the same position, particularly during sleep, leading to asymmetry in the skull's shape. It might also occur due to the baby favoring one side while lying down or restricted movement in the womb.

In mild cases, repositioning techniques, such as changing the baby's head position regularly during sleep or supervised tummy time while awake, can help prevent worsening. These measures aim to reduce pressure on the affected area and encourage balanced skull growth.

For more severe cases or when repositioning techniques don't yield improvement, specialized treatments like helmet therapy may be recommended. These custom-fit helmets gently guide the baby's head growth by applying mild pressure on the protruding areas while leaving space for growth on the flattened side. Helmets are typically prescribed for infants between 4 to 12 months old when the skull is still malleable.

Regular check-ups with healthcare professionals are crucial to monitor the child's progress and ensure appropriate intervention if needed. Additionally, offering varied positions during playtime and supervised tummy time can aid in strengthening neck muscles and promoting overall development.

Rainbow Children's Hospital in Vizag provides guidance and support for parents concerned about plagiocephaly. Their pediatric experts offer evaluations, advice on repositioning techniques, and, if necessary, recommendations for specialized treatments to address and manage the condition effectively.

Best Treatment For Plagiocephaly in Children, Vizag


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What causes plagiocephaly in infants?

 Plagiocephaly often occurs when a baby's head rests in the same position for extended periods, leading to flattening. Factors include positioning during sleep or spending excessive time in car seats or carriers.

Can I prevent plagiocephaly in my baby?
Repositioning techniques can help prevent worsening. Encouraging supervised tummy time while the baby is awake, changing the direction of the baby's head during sleep, and alternating positions during feeding and playtime can reduce pressure on one area of the skull.
Will plagiocephaly resolve on its own without treatment?
In mild cases, repositioning techniques often improve the condition. However, in more severe cases where asymmetry persists or worsens, specialized treatments like helmet therapy may be recommended to encourage symmetrical head growth.
At what age is helmet therapy recommended for treating plagiocephaly?
Helmet therapy is usually recommended for infants between 4 to 12 months old, as this is when the skull is most malleable. However, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment based on the child's specific condition.
Are there long-term effects of untreated plagiocephaly?
In most cases, untreated plagiocephaly doesn’t lead to serious health issues. However, severe and untreated cases may cause cosmetic concerns or, rarely, mild developmental delays due to restricted neck movement. Seeking timely advice from healthcare professionals can help prevent complications.
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