Best Treatment For Lichen planus in Children, Vizag

Best Treatment For Lichen planus in Children, Vizag

Best Treatment For Lichen planus in Children, Vizag ,Lichen planus, though relatively uncommon in children, is a skin condition characterized by the presence of itchy, flat-topped, purple or reddish bumps that often develop on the skin or mucous membranes. In Vizag, Rainbow Children's Hospital, recognized for its expertise in pediatric care, addresses various dermatological conditions, including lichen planus. However, the hospital primarily focuses on pediatric specialties.

Children affected by lichen planus may experience discomfort due to the appearance of skin lesions, which can affect the arms, legs, mouth, or genital area. Rainbow Children's Hospital, while renowned for pediatric healthcare, typically refers cases of lichen planus to dermatology specialists or facilities specializing in dermatological conditions for comprehensive evaluation and treatment.

Families seeking specialized care for children with lichen planus often seek assistance from dermatology clinics or hospitals specializing in skin conditions in Vizag. These facilities offer tailored treatment plans, including topical corticosteroids, antihistamines, or other medications to alleviate itching and discomfort caused by lichen planus. Dermatologists also provide guidance on managing symptoms and reducing the impact of the condition on a child's daily life.

While Rainbow Children's Hospital primarily focuses on pediatric specialties, specialized dermatology clinics or healthcare facilities in Vizag cater to children dealing with skin conditions like lichen planus. These institutions offer expert care and treatment strategies tailored to the unique needs of children, aiming to alleviate symptoms, provide relief, and improve the overall quality of life for affected children.

Please note that while Rainbow Children's Hospital provides specialized care for children, the hospital primarily focuses on pediatric specialties, and for specific dermatological conditions like lichen planus, consulting dermatology specialists or facilities specializing in skin conditions would be advisable for comprehensive care.

Best Treatment For Lichen planus in Children, Vizag


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What Causes Lichen Planus in Children?
The exact cause of lichen planus isn't fully understood. It's believed to involve immune system reactions that result in inflammation, leading to the characteristic skin or mucous membrane lesions. However, triggers can vary, including viral infections, certain medications, or genetic factors.
What Are the Common Symptoms of Lichen Planus in Children?
Children with lichen planus typically develop itchy, flat-topped, purplish or reddish bumps on the skin, often on the wrists, ankles, lower back, or inside the mouth. In some cases, these lesions may cause discomfort or pain.
Is Lichen Planus Contagious?
No, lichen planus is not contagious. It's a non-infectious skin condition, and children cannot transmit it to others through contact
How Is Lichen Planus Diagnosed in Children?
Diagnosis involves a physical examination of the skin or mucous membranes, and sometimes a biopsy may be required to confirm the condition. Dermatologists or pediatric specialists examine the characteristic appearance of the lesions to confirm lichen planus.
Can Lichen Planus in Children Be Cured?
Lichen planus often resolves on its own without treatment within several months to a few years. However, in cases causing discomfort or affecting quality of life, dermatologists may prescribe topical treatments, antihistamines, or, in severe cases, oral medications to manage symptoms and provide relief.
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