Best Treatment for Congenital Scoliosis in Children, Delhi

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Dr. MANOJ PADMAN - Consultant - Pediatric Orthopedics

Dr. Manoj Padman

Consultant - Pediatric Orthopedics

  Hindi,English Malviya Nagar

Best Treatment for Congenital Scoliosis in Children, Delhi

Best Treatment for Congenital Scoliosis in Children, Delhi Congenital scoliosis in children demands specialized care, and Delhi offers a range of treatment options catering to this condition. Various hospitals in the city, known for their expertise in pediatric orthopedics, provide comprehensive treatment for congenital scoliosis. Delhi's medical landscape boasts facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a multidisciplinary approach to address this spinal disorder in children.

Treatment for congenital scoliosis often involves a personalized approach tailored to the severity of the condition and the child's age. In Delhi, specialized pediatric orthopedic teams assess each case meticulously, utilizing a combination of non-surgical and surgical interventions. Non-surgical methods may include bracing or physiotherapy to manage milder forms of scoliosis, while severe cases might necessitate surgical correction.

Hospitals in Delhi, recognized for their excellence in pediatric orthopedics, offer cutting-edge surgical procedures for congenital scoliosis. Skilled orthopedic surgeons with extensive experience in pediatric spinal deformities perform intricate surgeries, aiming to correct spinal curvature and prevent further progression. These surgical interventions often involve the use of advanced techniques such as spinal fusion or growing rod implants, which provide structural support and encourage proper spinal growth.

Moreover, the holistic care provided by these hospitals extends beyond medical intervention. They emphasize post-operative rehabilitation programs and ongoing monitoring to ensure optimal recovery and long-term spine health for children affected by congenital scoliosis. Collaborative efforts between orthopedic specialists, rehabilitation therapists, and pediatricians ensure a comprehensive continuum of care for these young patients.

In summary, Delhi's renowned hospitals specializing in pediatric orthopedics stand at the forefront in offering exceptional care for congenital scoliosis in children. Their commitment to employing advanced treatments, a multidisciplinary approach, and personalized care makes them a preferred choice for families seeking the best possible outcomes for their children with this spinal condition.

Best Treatment for Congenital Scoliosis in Children, Delhi


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What causes congenital scoliosis in children?
Congenital scoliosis is a condition present at birth, arising due to abnormal development of the spine during fetal growth. It can result from vertebral anomalies or irregularities in spinal formation. These abnormalities might occur when certain vertebrae don't form properly or fuse together, leading to curvature or twisting of the spine.
At what age does congenital scoliosis become noticeable?
The signs of congenital scoliosis can vary. In some cases, it might be noticeable at birth, while in others, it becomes apparent as the child grows. Asymmetrical shoulder or hip levels, uneven ribs, or a visible curvature might gradually become more evident during infancy or early childhood.
What are the treatment options available for congenital scoliosis in children?
Treatment for congenital scoliosis depends on various factors including the severity of the curvature, the child's age, and overall health. Non-surgical treatments like bracing, physical therapy, or periodic observation are options for milder cases. Surgical intervention, involving procedures such as spinal fusion or growing rod implants, is often recommended for more severe curvature to correct and stabilize the spine.
Can congenital scoliosis affect a child's growth and development?
Yes, congenital scoliosis can potentially impact a child's growth and development, especially if the curvature progresses significantly. Severe cases might restrict normal spine growth, leading to issues with lung function, discomfort, or cosmetic concerns. Early intervention and appropriate treatment aim to mitigate these effects and support healthy spine development.
Is congenital scoliosis curable?
While congenital scoliosis isn't completely curable, timely and appropriate treatment can effectively manage the condition. The goal of treatment is to prevent further progression, correct the spinal curvature as much as possible, and support the child's overall spine health and development. With proper care, many children can lead active lives without significant limitations due to congenital scoliosis.
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