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Viability Scan

A viability scan, also known as a viability ultrasound or dating scan, is a medical imaging procedure performed during early pregnancy to confirm the viability of the pregnancy and estimate the gestational age. This scan is usually conducted in the first trimester, typically between weeks 6 and 10 of the pregnancy.

Viability Scan

The key purposes of a viability scan include:

1. Confirming Pregnancy Viability:

The scan helps determine whether the pregnancy is developing normally and if there is a viable embryo with a detectable heartbeat

2. Estimating Gestational Age:

By measuring the size of the gestational sac or embryo, healthcare providers can estimate the gestational age of the pregnancy. This information is crucial for establishing a due date.

3. Identifying Multiple Pregnancies:

 The viability scan may also reveal the presence of multiple embryos, indicating a multiple pregnancy (e.g., twins or triplets)

4. Assessing the Location of the Pregnancy:

 The scan can confirm whether the pregnancy is located within the uterus (intrauterine) or in another location, such as the fallopian tubes (ectopic pregnancy). The viability scan is typically performed using an ultrasound machine. Depending on the gestational age and clarity of the images needed, the ultrasound may be performed abdominally or transvaginally. Transvaginal ultrasound often provides clearer images in the early stages of pregnancy. During the viability scan, the healthcare provider will look for the presence of a gestational sac, embryo, and fetal heartbeat. The presence of a heartbeat is a positive sign of a viable pregnancy. It's important to note that viability scans are routine in early pregnancy care, especially for women with a history of fertility issues, previous miscarriages, or uncertain menstrual cycles. The information obtained from the scan is valuable for guiding prenatal care and monitoring the health of the pregnancy. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it's essential to discuss your individual healthcare needs and the timing of prenatal scans with your healthcare provider. They can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history and circumstances.

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