Best general medicine

Advanced technology & state-of-the-art infrastructure

Round-the-clock emergency care

Seamless support from diagnosis to post treatment care

General Medicine

For decades, BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals has been the cornerstone of women's health, fostering a legacy of trust and excellence. Our commitment extends beyond routine medical care; it embraces the essence of womanhood, understanding the unique needs and challenges each phase brings.

At BirthRight, our team comprises not just obstetricians and gynecologists but a holistic group of professionals, including advanced nurse practitioners, certified nurses, midwives, and other specialists. We believe in providing more than just medical assistance; we offer a supportive network that understands the emotional and physical intricacies of every woman's health journey.

In addition to offering routine gynecological and reproductive healthcare, our specialists are equipped to guide you through the exhilarating experience of pregnancy and childbirth. We stand as a ray of support for those grappling with challenging illnesses, ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality of care, coupled with the latest advancements in medical technology.

As we look to the future, BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals remains steadfast in our commitment to evolving with the ever-changing landscape of women's healthcare. We continue delivering personalized and compassionate care, embracing innovation, and nurturing the health and well-being of women across generations. Your journey with us is not just a medical experience; it's a partnership built on trust, compassion, and the celebration of womanhood.


Find a Doctor

Expertise you can trust, Meet our esteemed doctors who bring exceptional knowledge, compassion, and innovation to provide top-notch care for your health and well-being.

Dr. NISHANTH REDDY INAVOLU - Visiting Consultant Physician and Diabetologist & Internal Medicine

Dr. Nishanth Reddy Inavolu

Visiting Consultant Physician and Diabetologist & Internal Medicine

  English,Hindi,Telugu Banjara Hills, Himayatnagar


Dr. Niveditha Chalmeda


  English,Telugu Banjara Hills

Dr. KIRAN MACHA - Consultant Physician

Dr. Kiran Macha

Consultant Physician

  Telugu,English Secunderabad

Dr. MANGALESWARI - Consultant - Physician & Diabetologist

Dr. Mangaleswari

Consultant - Physician & Diabetologist

23 Years English,Tamil Sholinganallur

Our Hospitals and ClinicsOur Hospitals and Clinics

Rainbow Children's Hospital stands as a testament to the hospital's continual pursuit of excellence and innovation, providing specialized care for women and children.

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