Skilled experts to help you prepare for childbirth.

childbirth preperation

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Childbirth Preparation Classes

Pregnancy and childbirth can present challenging experiences, often accompanied by physical discomfort and anxiety. Modern expectant parents are increasingly seeking information to boost their confidence levels, alleviate stress, reduce pain, and enhance their overall childbirth experience. Our objective in offering these classes is to provide you with evidence-based knowledge that fosters a more positive perspective on childbirth and bolsters your confidence in your innate ability to give birth.

Childbirth preparation classes, also known as antenatal classes, serve as a valuable resource for you and your partner to get ready for the labor, delivery, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Attending such classes generally increases the confidence of expectant parents as they approach the birth. Our childbirth preparation class delves into the labor and delivery experience, covering relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and concentration methods to aid you during labor. These sessions prove immensely beneficial, particularly for young and first-time parents, and can be equally valuable for women with high-risk pregnancies.

Our childbirth classes are designed to fulfill the following objectives:

  • Enhance knowledge and confidence regarding pregnancy and the birthing process.

  • Alleviate apprehensions about childbirth and tap into your inner resources to manage pain effectively.

  • Foster an understanding of the capabilities of the female body and the transformations it undergoes during pregnancy.

  • Explore the physiology of breastfeeding.

  • Offer guidance on newborn care.

  • Provide prenatal exercises to enhance strength and flexibility.

  • Additionally, we will also instruct you on:

  • Recognizing the signs of labor and when to contact the hospital.

  • Preparing for labor.

  • Understanding the various stages of labor.

  • Developing relaxation and breathing techniques for use during labor.

  • Exploring different birthing positions.

  • Nurturing effective breastfeeding practices.

  • Addressing early parenting concerns.

  • Understanding the behavior and needs of a newborn baby.


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Expertise you can trust, Meet our esteemed doctors who bring exceptional knowledge, compassion, and innovation to provide top-notch care for your health and well-being.

Dr. HIMABINDU ANNAMRAJU - Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist & Laparoscopic Surgeon, Specialist in High Risk Pregnancy

Dr. Himabindu Annamraju

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist & Laparoscopic Surgeon, Specialist in High Risk Pregnancy

  English,Hindi,Telugu Financial District

Dr. SURA PUSHPALATHA - Senior Consultant - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Sura Pushpalatha

Senior Consultant - Obstetrics and Gynecology

  English,Tamil,Telugu Sholinganallur

Dr. NIVEDITA S - Consultant- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Dr. Nivedita S

Consultant- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  English,Hindi,Malayalam,Tamil Sholinganallur

Dr. NIRUPAMA VADDI - Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Nirupama Vaddi

Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynecology

  English Currency Nagar, Governorpet

Dr. SAROJA BANOTHU - Consultant - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Saroja Banothu

Consultant - Obstetrics and Gynecology

  Telugu,English LB Nagar

Dr. POOJA RANA - Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrics

Dr. Pooja Rana

Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrics

  English Panchsheel Park

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Rainbow Children's Hospital stands as a testament to the hospital's continual pursuit of excellence and innovation, providing specialized care for women and children.

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Which is the best time to join a pregnancy yoga class?

Usually the second trimester is regarded as the best time to begin pregnancy yoga classes as this phase would have lesser bouts of morning sickness. BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals offers some of the best pregnancy exercise and childbirth classes for expecting mothers so that they can be well prepared for labor and delivery.

Why should I take childbirth preparation classes?

Whether you are having your first child or have been pregnant before, childbirth preparation classes are always helpful. They help you better prepare for the challenges of labor and delivery. You can take the Pre pregnancy classes with your partner, significant other or any other family member you would expect to be with you in the delivery room.

  • Learn things you don’t know: There are many things to know about delivery, labor, and postpartum care. You will learn about identifying the signs of labor and the changes taking place in your body as your baby develops and finally arrives.
  • Address your concerns: Childbirth preparation classes provide you an opportunity to discuss your concerns with others who may have the same fears as you. Some myths will be dispelled by the instructor, putting your mind at ease. Women who take childbirth classes are more knowledgeable about labor and delivery, which is why they can better handle distress.
  • Learning opportunity for your partner or labor coach: Your partner or labor coach can learn about childbirth as well, allowing them to provide you better support during labor.
  • Know the options for dealing with pain. To cope with contractions, you will practice methods like breathing techniques, visualization, and relaxation. Our classes also cover the benefits and drawbacks of common medications, including epidural blocks.
  • Learn about medical interventions: Know how the course of labor can be influenced by routine interventions
  • Check out our facilities: You can visit the facility where you will be giving birth.
  • Newborn care: You will be given an overview on newborn care, including topics like breastfeeding, pediatrician, bathing, and diapering.

The process of childbirth will be more positive if the woman knows more about it. Similarly, when a couple knows about newborn care and development, it helps them adjust better to parenting. Our specialized classes and support services will provide you the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need. In these Pre pregnancy classes, you will learn a lot about not just labor and delivery but also how to care for yourself and your baby before and after delivery.

Are different types of childbirth preparation classes available?

Certain childbirth classes specifically cover types of births, like vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC), multiple births and C-section. There are even refresher courses for parents who just want to get an overview of the basics. We offer Prenatal classes that are unique and designed according to your needs. There are classes focusing on childbirth methods. For instance:

  • Bradley: The emphasis of the Bradley method is for birth to be a natural process. You will learn to manage labor with the support of your partner or labor coach and with the help of relaxation techniques.
  • Lamaze: Lamaze focuses on increasing your confidence in your ability to give birth. These classes help you learn how to cope with pain in ways that promote comfort as well as facilitate labor, such as massage and focused breathing.

A lot of other classes incorporate elements from different methods. There are classes for other childbirth approaches as well, like hypnobirthing, which incorporates deep relaxation and self-hypnosis. You can enroll in our Prenatal classes to learn more about the various techniques that you can adapt to keep yourself calm and stress-free.

No matter which class you choose, give it enough time to be acquainted with the method and information. Practice the strategies or breathing techniques taught in the class so that you are prepared to use them during labor. Labor preparation classes will be informative if you are becoming parents for the first time. You can get a lot of information through these Labor preparation classes. You will also get a chance to meet other expecting parents and have discussions with them.

Why take Prenatal Yoga lessons?

Prenatal yoga or pregnancy exercise classes can help boost your sleep, reduce your anxiety and stress, increase the muscles' strength, endurance, and flexibility in preparation for childbirth, reduce headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, and lower back pain. BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals offers some of the best pregnancy yoga classes for all new and expecting mothers so that they can be well prepared for labor and delivery.

How do I find the best Pregnancy Yoga Classes?

Check for the years of expertise, the overall reputation of the prenatal yoga specialists and also the hospitals facilities before you choose your pregnancy yoga classes. BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals conducts some of the best pregnancy yoga classes for new and would be mothers. Their classes are conducted by some of the best antenatal and prenatal specialists who have multiple years of experience in training women with positive habits during pregnancy. This also provides an added advantage for all to be part of a community of like minded women.

In Which centers Rainbow provides Pregnancy Yoga Classes, India?

The workshops on labor preparation and pregnancy yoga at BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals are led by knowledgeable and renown antenatal specialists, who will be of great assistance to new and young parents as well as those who may be experiencing high-risk pregnancies. BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals has its pregnancy yoga for normal delivery classes in Hyderabad across multiple locations in the city.

When should I take the childbirth preparation class?

It is generally recommended to take childbirth preparation classes in the last trimester of pregnancy. However, you will always find the classes helpful, if you go any time before going into labor. If you think you require more time for building your knowledge and confidence, you can even choose to take the classes earlier in your pregnancy. Pre pregnancy classes will help you get ready for the day when your baby arrives and make you more confident in your ability to give birth. It will also prepare your partner or any other family member to support you during the duration of labor and delivery.

We offer a series of classes over a few weeks during the last trimester. It is advisable to register for the classes earlier as it will provide you more flexibility and options when it comes to date and timing of classes. Prenatal classes will help you deal with pain, stress and anxiety before, during and after you have given birth to your baby. Labor and delivery can be exhausting for expecting mothers and therefore, Prenatal classes can prove useful in this regard.

What is the role of my healthcare provider?

The main responsibility of your healthcare provider is to ensure your health as well as your baby's health throughout pregnancy and during delivery. Your healthcare provider is likely to give you instructions and provide educational materials throughout the course of your pregnancy. It is important that you ask all your questions and share your concerns regarding your delivery. Prenatal classes will also help you understand the functions and roles of various doctors. With what you learn in your childbirth and preparation classes, you can create a birth plan with input from your healthcare provider. Labor preparation classes can help you plan for your pregnancy, labor and delivery in a more efficient manner. It will help you prepare for what will happen on the day of the delivery. You need to be open-minded while creating the plan as it is very likely that things will change during labor and delivery, so your plan might have to be altered. It is hard to predict exactly how things will unfold, but you can still design a birth plan as per your expectations.

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