Experts to make embryo donation confidential & safe.

embryo donor treatment

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Embryo Donor Treatment

Embryo donation, an assisted fertility treatment, becomes a viable option when achieving pregnancy with one's own eggs proves elusive. Widely embraced yet emotionally challenging for some, this treatment often becomes the chosen path for couples who have navigated prior disappointments in treatments utilizing their own eggs. In this method, couples receive embryos devoid of genetic ties to either the egg or sperm donor, ensuring confidentiality as the identities of both the donor and the receiving couple remain undisclosed.

At BirthRight Fertility by Rainbow Hospitals, our commitment to providing optimal treatments stems from a comprehensive evaluation of each couple's unique circumstances. Our team of seasoned fertility specialists guides couples considering egg donation through a meticulous process, leveraging state-of-the-art technology to execute the transfer with minimal discomfort.

Embryo donation is executed in two distinct ways—during the initial IVF cycle or later when utilizing previously frozen embryos. In the case of frozen embryo donation, surplus embryos from another couple, created during an IVF cycle, are generously offered to those encountering conception challenges. Additionally, we offer the alternative of embryo creation, wherein a donated egg and sperm are combined to form an embryo, unrelated biologically to the recipient. This carefully crafted embryo is subsequently transferred into the recipient's uterus, expanding the array of possibilities for couples on their fertility journey.


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Dr. PREETHI REDDY G - Consultant - Infertility

Dr. Preethi Reddy G

Consultant - Infertility

  English,Hindi,Telugu Kondapur, Kondapur IP

Dr. RATNA DURVASULA - Consultant Infertility

Dr. Ratna Durvasula

Consultant Infertility

  English,Telugu Kondapur, Banjara Hills, Financial District, Kondapur IP

Dr. PALLAVI CHALASANI - Consultant - Infertility

Dr. Pallavi Chalasani

Consultant - Infertility

  English,Hindi,Telugu Hydernagar

Dr. SHWETHA S KAMATH - Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynecology, Advanced Laparoscopy, Infertility & High-risk pregnancy.

Dr. Shwetha S Kamath

Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynecology, Advanced Laparoscopy, Infertility & High-risk pregnancy.

17+ Years English,Hindi,Kannada,Tamil,Telugu Hebbal, Hennur

Dr. VADLAPATI SAROJA - Consultant - Infertility

Dr. Vadlapati Saroja

Consultant - Infertility

10 Years English,Telugu Health City, Kailash Metta

Dr. KATTA SHILPA - Consultant- Infertility Specialist

Dr. Katta Shilpa

Consultant- Infertility Specialist

8 Years Telugu,English LB Nagar

Dr. Munaganuru Niharika - Consultant - Fertility Specialist

Dr. Munaganuru Niharika

Consultant - Fertility Specialist

10+ Years Telugu,Hindi,English Himayatnagar, Secunderabad

Dr. Madhumitha S - Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Consultant

Dr. Madhumitha S

Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Consultant

  English Anna Nagar, Guindy

Dr. Sukeerthi E V S S S R K - Consultant -  Infertility

Dr. Sukeerthi E V S S S R K

Consultant - Infertility

14 Years English,Telugu,Hindi Currency Nagar

Dr. Ragini Naresh - Consultant Infertility & Reproductive Medicine Specialist

Dr. Ragini Naresh

Consultant Infertility & Reproductive Medicine Specialist

10+ Years English,Hindi,Kannada,Telugu Kondapur, Kondapur IP

Dr. Nishitha Peddininti - Consultant  Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Laparoscopic Surgeon, Infertility Specialist

Dr. Nishitha Peddininti

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Laparoscopic Surgeon, Infertility Specialist

  English,Hindi,Telugu Kondapur, Kondapur IP

Dr. Plabani Sarkar - Consultant - Fertility & IVF

Dr. Plabani Sarkar

Consultant - Fertility & IVF

  Bengali,English,Hindi,Kannada Marathahalli

Dr. Swathi Arya - Consultant - Infertility

Dr. Swathi Arya

Consultant - Infertility

7+ Years English,Hindi,Telugu Hydernagar, Hydernagar(BirthRight).

Dr. Sushma B. R - Consultant - Infertility Specialist

Dr. Sushma B. R

Consultant - Infertility Specialist

12+ Years English,Hindi,Kannada,Marathi,Tamil,Telugu Bannerghatta IVF Center

Dr.  Sai Sirisha Vandana - Fertility Consultant

Dr. Sai Sirisha Vandana

Fertility Consultant

6+ Years English,Hindi,Kannada,Telugu Financial District

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What does the embryo donation process involve?

Treatment with the use of donated embryos is the same as the one used for women who receive their own frozen embryos. It also involves using medication and hormones to prepare the uterus for embryo donation. However, unlike other transplants, there is no need to take medication for suppressing the immune system. The frozen embryos are thawed before being transferred into the uterus. The recipient has to continue taking estrogen and progesterone

What is the success rate of embryo donation?

Typically, the rate of success with embryo donation ranges from around 16%-20% for each transfer. However, the chances of success do tend to vary depending on the quality of the embryo being used.

Will embryo donation be helpful to me?

You may find embryo donation if it is not much likely that other fertility treatments will be successful or you’ve had a history of unsuccessful fertility treatment. In cases like these, our fertility specialists usually discuss the option of embryo donation. You must have already completed your own treatment, along with using the frozen embryos you might have stored.

Before your appointment with our fertility specialist to see if the embryo donation treatment will be useful to you, you will be initially counseled by our fertility counsellors. There are certain social, emotional and legal implications of receiving donated embryos and our counselors will make sure you are well informed about that. A screening blood test will also be organized before the process starts.

Embryo donors can opt to donate their embryos to any couple who wants it. Alternatively, they can even choose a recipient as per their own discretion.

Who may benefit from embryo donation treatment?

Embryo donation can be typically beneficial for couples facing particular fertility issues. Commonly, the option of embryo donation is used when there are fertility issues with both the male and the female partner. Couples experiencing the following issues may consider the option of embryo donation treatment:

  • If you are already using donor eggs or sperm for conceiving, you may choose to make use of donor embryos instead. You may have your own reasons for doing so.
  • You haven’t had success with multiple cycles using your own sperm and eggs
  • If there is a serious medical condition carried by you or your partner that might be inherited by your offspring. Using donated embryos negates the risk of such genetic conditions being passed on.
  • If other fertility treatments are too expensive and unaffordable for you
  • You don’t want to adopt
Who can be an embryo donor?

Typically, embryo donors include sperm from men between the age of 18-45 and eggs from women between 18-35 years of age, at the time of the creation of the embryo. Embryo donors are strictly screened for any infection or medical condition that could be inherited and passed on to the offspring conceived from the embryo.

Why should I opt for embryo donation?

If you are willing to get pregnant, opting for embryo donation offers several benefits like:

  • Usually, embryo donation costs less than other procedures of assisted reproduction, such as IVF.
  • It is less expensive and complicated than adoption
  • With embryo donation, you can get pregnant and give birth to a baby within a year.
Does embryo donation have any drawbacks?

You should never take embryo donation lightly. The procedure can be a bit tricky and there are some drawbacks that you need to be aware of. In general, embryo donation has a comparatively lower rate of success than egg donation. Reasons for this include:

  • Embryos are kept frozen for a long time before they are used by the recipient. Freezing of the embryo compromises the embryo’s quality.
  • Before the embryos can be transferred, they are thawed. All embryos won't necessarily survive this process of thawing.
  • At times, embryos are donated by couples who are infertile themselves. This means they are not necessarily of the best quality.
How can I find an embryo donor?

BirthRight Fertility by Rainbow, one of the top embryo donation clinics in Hyderabad, provides an embryo donation option and has the required specialty in the field. If you want to find a donor of embryos, contact us and we will register you for the process. Our counsellor will help you find a suitable donor. Normally, embryo donation is an anonymous process, however, it may be open as per the discretion of the concerned individuals. We will make sure we choose embryo donors in such a way that there are multiple embryos available for use during the transfer process.

How safe is the process of embryo donation?

Embryo donation is quite a safe procedure. Before the embryos are donated and transferred, they undergo a thorough diagnostic screening process. The embryos are frozen and stored until they are used for transfer. Embryos are tested for infectious diseases like Hepatitis and HIV as well. Genetic testing is performed on the donated embryos as well, thus reducing the chances of chromosomal defects or genetic diseases

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