


Feb 06, 2025

Fibroids, also called uterine fibroids or myomas, are noncancerous tumors that grow in or on the uterus. They are made of muscle and fibrous tissue and can vary in size, from very small to large masses. Many women with fibroids experience no symptoms, but in some cases, they can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, frequent urination, or complications during pregnancy. The exact cause of fibroids is unknown, but they are influenced by hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone.

The symptoms of uterine fibroids can vary depending on their size, location, and number. Some women may not experience any symptoms at all, while others may have: Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding – This is one of the most common symptoms, often leading to anemia. Pelvic pain or pressure – Fibroids can cause a feeling of fullness or discomfort in the pelvic area. Frequent urination – Large fibroids can press on the bladder, causing a need to urinate more often. Difficulty emptying the bladder – Fibroids pressing on the bladder can also make it harder to fully empty it. Constipation – Pressure from fibroids on the rectum can cause bowel problems, including constipation. Back or leg pain – Large fibroids may press on the spine or nerves, leading to pain in the lower back or legs. Pain during intercourse – Some women may experience pain or discomfort during sexual activity. Reproductive issues – In some cases, fibroids can interfere with fertility or cause pregnancy complications, such as miscarriage or preterm labor.

While many women with fibroids experience few or no complications, in some cases, fibroids can lead to a range of issues, particularly when they grow large or are in certain areas. Some potential complications include: Infertility: Fibroids can distort the shape of the uterus or block fallopian tubes, making it more difficult for a woman to get pregnant. However, many women with fibroids can still conceive. Miscarriage: Fibroids, particularly those located within the uterine cavity, can increase the risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy. Preterm labor: In some cases, fibroids can cause early labor, particularly if they are large or located near the cervix. Placental abruption: Fibroids can sometimes cause the placenta to detach prematurely from the uterine wall, leading to heavy bleeding and possible complications for both the mother and baby. Severe bleeding: Heavy menstrual bleeding due to fibroids can lead to anemia, which may cause fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. In extreme cases, this can require blood transfusions. Pain and discomfort: Large fibroids can cause chronic pelvic pain, back pain, and pressure on nearby organs like the bladder or rectum, leading to urinary or bowel issues. Twisted fibroids (torsion): In rare cases, fibroids that are pedunculated (attached by a stalk) can twist on their own, cutting off their blood supply and causing intense pain and possibly tissue death. Hydronephrosis: If fibroids grow large enough to obstruct the urinary tract, they can cause kidney damage due to a backup of urine, leading to hydronephrosis (swelling of the kidney).
Difficulty during labor and delivery: Depending on their size and location, fibroids may block the birth canal or interfere with the positioning of the baby, potentially leading to a cesarean section or other complications during delivery. If any of these complications are suspected, a healthcare provider will typically recommend treatment options, which may include medication, surgery, or other interventions to manage symptoms and prevent further issues.
If any of these symptoms are present, it's important to consult a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment options. What are the complications of uterine fibroids? Most uterine fibroids don’t cause serious complications. However, the most common complications of fibroids are: Pain that becomes unmanageable. Swelling of your abdomen or pelvic area. Excessive bleeding. Anemia. Infertility (this is rare).
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