Tested COVID positive? Be aware of these Home Isolation Guidelines to Recover Quickly


Tested COVID positive? Be aware of these Home Isolation Guidelines to Recover Quickly

Nov 01, 2022

The world was hit hard in 2020-2021 with an unprecedented viral epidemic related to COVID such that within few weeks every government and private hospital had reached its full capacity. Travelling restrictions were adding to the emotional stress when most of the family members including parents, grandparents and siblings tested positive for COVID-19 one after another. Over the past two years, it has seen globally as well as in India that majority of cases of COVID-19 are either asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms. Such cases usually recover with minimal interventions and accordingly may be managed at home under proper medical guidance and monitoring. The asymptomatic cases are laboratory confirmed cases that come with no symptom, no breathing problems and can be easily managed at home with very little professional guidance. A few major guidelines you should be aware of as a patient/care provider at home: Patients must isolate themselves from other household members, stay in the identified room and away from other people in home The patient should stay in a well-ventilated room with cross ventilation and windows should be kept open to allow fresh air to come in Patient should always use triple layer medical mask. They should discard mask after 8 hours of use or earlier if the mask becomes wet or is visibly soiled. In the event of a caregiver entering the room, both the caregiver and the patient may preferably consider using N-95 masks Mask should be discarded after cutting them to pieces and putting in a paper bag for a minimum of 72 hours Patient must take rest and drink enough fluids to maintain adequate hydration Always follow respiratory etiquettes Undertake frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 40 seconds or clean with alcohol-based sanitizer Patients should not share personal items including utensils with other people in the household Need to ensure cleaning of frequently touched surfaces in the room with soap/detergent. The cleaning can be undertaken either by the patient or the caregiver duly following required precautions such as use of masks and gloves Self-monitoring of blood oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter for the patient is advised as age appropriate
The patient/care providers should self-monitor his/her health with daily temperature monitoring and report promptly if any deterioration of symptom is noticed. The status shall be shared with the treating consultant as well as the nurse assigned to the patient. Hand hygiene must be ensured following contact with ill person or his immediate environment. Use soap and water for hand washing at least for 40 seconds. Alcohol-based hand rub can be used if hands are not visibly soiled. After using soap and water, use of disposable paper towels to dry hands is desirable. If not available, use dedicated clean cloth towels and replace them when they become wet. It’s advised to perform hand hygiene before and after removing gloves. Effective and safe disposal of general wastes such as disposable items, used food packets, fruit peel offs, used water bottles, left-over food, disposable food plates etc. should be ensured. These should be collected in bags securely tied for handing over to waste collectors. Further, the used masks, gloves and tissues or swabs contaminated with blood / body fluids of COVID-19 patients, including used syringes, medicines, etc., should be treated as biomedical waste and disposed of accordingly by collecting the same in a yellow bag and handed over to waste collector separately to prevent further spread of infection within household and the community. Else these can also be disposed by dumping in appropriate deep burial pits. Patient under home isolation will stand discharged and end isolation after at least seven days have passed from testing positive and no fever for three successive days and they must continue wearing masks. There is no need for re-testing after the home isolation period is over. COVID Positive Child Needing Home Isolation Pediatric Package-I [Quarantine: 7 Days] Home Isolation kit would be provided which consists of: 1. 3 times video consultations by the treating doctor for patient review and advice 2. Information Booklets Home isolation management COVID information booklet Effective disinfection practices Information card
Please Call 18002122 or visit bit.ly/3nkGgZw to book a Home Quarantine Package today.

Dr. Aparna Reddy

Pediatric Pulmonologist

Rainbow Children's Hospital, Banjara Hills

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