Significance of X-rays in Diagnosis


Significance of X-rays in Diagnosis

Jan 18, 2025

What is an X-ray?

X-ray is a grey-scale picture of the area to be studied. It is quick, painless, and is used to screen bones and lungs, among other indications. X-ray beams pass through the body and give an image based on differences in the density of various organs of the body. A single or few X-rays do not cause significant radiation. Weighing with the information they give to guide treatment, X-rays are one of the safest techniques available.

Why is an X-ray done?

X-rays are recommended to look at

· Sinuses

· The lungs

· Bones/fractures

· Foreign body ingestion (if radio-opaque)

· Bowel gas pattern

· Bone age/bone growth

· The correct placements of the feeding tube, endotracheal tube, central line, and umbilical vein/artery catheters

· Teeth and the tissues around them and the Position of DJ stents/implants

How to prepare for an X-ray?

· No specific preparation is needed unless the doctor specifies

· Few X-rays may require bowel preparation

· You need to remove jewelry, and hair pins, or reposition some clothing that may obscure the image due to unwanted shadows

· Keep a record of previous X-rays so that appropriate comparisons can be made by your doctor

Safety precautions for kids during X-rays:

· Explain to the children and prepare them mentally before the procedure

· Advise them to be still till the X-ray pictures are taken

· You can check with the doctor if some other imaging techniques like MRI or ultrasound can be used

· Protective measures like Lead Aprons/ Thyroid Shields/ Gonadal Shielding to be used during the procedure

Dr. Amena Nayyer

Consultant Radiologist

Rainbow Children's Hospital

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