Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms


Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms

Aug 20, 2024

Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms
Breast Cancer is emerging as a leading cause of death in and around us-
We all have seen the pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness but the true question is how truly we are aware of its signs and symptoms.Everyone has breast tissue, which means anyone can develop breast cancer including women assigned female at birth, transgenders and non-binary people who have not undergone a mastectomy.Although rare, but people assigned male at birth can develop breast cancer too.

We all assume that if my mother and grandmother is affected with breast cancer then my chances of getting the cancer is high. But in reality 90-95% of breast cancer are sporadic which means they are not related to any known genetic predisposition to the disease.It is important to know how we can diagnose at an early stage.
Most important is monthly self breast examination. To be done around same time every month so that you can detect even small changes (preferably 3-5 days after periods)

So what are the warning signs of breast cancer?

1. Close watch of on any new lump/ thickness of skin on your breast/underarm can be the size of pea/pebble.

2. Even small hardened area under the skin, not quite a lump. But not normal either.

3. Lookout for any changes in the general size, shape/contour of your breasts particularly happening in one side

4. To consult if there is any change in look/ feel of skin of breast/nipple (dimpled, puckered, redness/scaly texture)

5. Pay attention to nipples too-like if one nipple strikes inwards or if you notice a clear/reddish fluid discharge.

If you notice any symptoms schedule an appointment immediately and get checked.Always remember all lumps/abnormalities are not cancer but better to be safe than scary by a checkup.Self-breast examination is a great way to detect abnormalities and get cured easily.Always remember self-exam as an act of self-care and they just might save your life.
Think Pink!! Think Breast!!


Consultant - Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Rainbow Children's Hospital Bannerghatta

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