Baby Growth Tracker

Developmental milestones of 11 months old child

As your little one approaches the one-year mark, you're likely anticipating all the exciting milestones ahead. From those early attempts at standing to the first words spoken, each moment is precious in your baby's journey of growth and discovery.


Physical and Motor Skills

  1. Your baby is learning to adjust their position to reach objects more effectively.
  2. They're gaining stability and can now try to stand without support, but a  bit wobbly.
  3. "Cruising" along furniture is a common sight as they prepare to take those first steps.
  4. While climbing stairs might still be challenging, they're making strides in motor coordination.
  5. Improved muscle control allows for better grip on objects.
Baby Growth

Cognitive Development

  1. Recognition of familiar people and objects is growing.
  2. Spatial skills are developing, enabling them to observe and manipulate shapes and sizes.
  3. They're learning how to use objects purposefully, such as lifting a cup to drink or a comb to groom.
  4. Expressing disapproval, like shaking their head for "No," is becoming evident.
Baby Growth

Social and Emotional Development

  1. Strong attachments to primary caregivers, recognizing and seeking them out as needed.
  2. Interactions with familiar faces result in warm smiles, while strangers may elicit shyness.
  3. A range of emotions is expressed, including frustration through tantrums.
  4. Engagement in parallel play alongside other children begins.
Baby Growth

Communication Skills

  1. Actions become a means of expressing desires.
  2. Interest in two-way communication emerges.
  3. Imitation of expressions and words from caregiver’s increases.
  4. Following simple requests, like handing over an object, becomes possible.
Baby Growth

Eating Milestones

  1. Self-feeding with fingers and experimenting with utensils begins.
  2. Taste preferences continue to develop.
  3. Introduction of varied textures and flavours in solid foods occurs.
  4. Persistence with offering new foods is encouraged to overcome fussiness.
Baby Growth

When to consult a doctor

  1. Lack of attempts to stand by this stage may warrant further evaluation.
  2. Difficulty standing even with support should be addressed.
  3. Absence of vocalization or response to sounds may indicate developmental delay.
  4. Confusion or lack of response to familiar sounds may signal sensory issues.

Every baby develops at their own pace, but consistent monitoring and support ensure they reach their milestones with confidence. Regular check-ups and nurturing interactions lay the foundation for healthy growth and development.
Baby Growth
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