Baby Growth Tracker

Developmental milestones of 10 months old child

Your adorable little one is growing up fast and is now reaching the remarkable age of 10 months. Let's explore the incredible milestones your baby might achieve !


Cognitive Milestones:

Communication skills are blossoming at ten months. Here are some milestones your baby may achieve in communication

  1. Demonstrates object permanence by searching for hidden objects
  2. Engages with picture books, absorbing colourful illustrations and processing sounds
  3. Responds to gestures like Hi and Bye
  4. Imitates actions and gestures, learning through observation and repetition
  5. Understands simple requests and responds accordingly
Baby Growth

Physical Milestones:

Physical development plays a crucial role in your baby's growth. Here are the physical milestones your baby may achieve:

  1. Crawls proficiently and pulls up to a standing position
  2. Utilizes a mature pincer grasp to pick up small objects
  3. Sits unsupported with straight back and transitions from sitting to standing with support
  4. Grows central incisors, aiding in biting and chewing finger foods
  5. Improves hand eye coordination and depth perception
Baby Growth

Social and Emotional Development Milestones:

Social and emotional milestones reflect your baby's growing awareness of the world around them. Here are some milestones your baby may reach in this area:

  1. Your baby waves to say hello or goodbye and shows affection towards familiar caregivers.
  2. Exhibits anxiety around strangers and separation distress from primary caregivers
  3. Reacts to various situations with a range of emotions, including joy and fear
  4. Begins to understand social cues and responds to their name
Baby Growth

Communication Skills:

Communication skills are blossoming at 10 months. Here are some milestones your baby may achieve in communication:

  1. Mimics gestures and actions, demonstrating early imitation skills
  2. Listens attentively to sounds and reacts accordingly
  3. Follows simple commands and responds to their name
  4. Attempts to communicate through gestures and vocalizations
Baby Growth

Sleep Milestones:

Healthy sleep habits are essential for your baby's development. Here are some sleep milestones to consider:

  1. Takes one or two naps totaling about 1-2 hours during the day.
  2. Establishes a consistent nap schedule, preferably after lunch
  3. Makes up for lost sleep with additional night-time sleep
Baby Growth

Eating Milestones:

Nutrition plays a vital role in your baby's growth and development. Here are some eating milestones to observe:

  1. Expands palate by introducing new solids and finger foods
  2. Encourages self-feeding with soft finger foods and utensils
  3. Supervises meals to prevent choking hazards and promotes independent eating skills 
Baby Growth

When to Consult a doctor

While every baby develops at their own pace, certain signs may indicate a need for further evaluation. Watch for:

  1. Delayed crawling or sitting without support
  2. Limited vocalization or failure to develop babbling
  3. Difficulty recognizing familiar faces or responding to social cues

Remember, each baby is unique, and developmental milestones may vary. Trust your instincts and consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your baby's development.
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