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Dr. Lakshmi Devi Appasani is a top Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Kondapur, Hyderabad. She has an Experience - 14yrs. She studied in Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam. Achieved 10 gold medals in under graduation and Best Outgoing Student of both MBBS and MS. She did Senior Residency in Postgraduate Institute, Chandigarh. She underwent Laparoscopic training at Sunrise Hospital, Kochi. She worked at Fernandez Hospitals, ESI hospital, Chandigarh, Continental Hospitals before joining Rainbow group. She is trained in all aspects of Obstetrics including instrumental deliveries, difficult Caesarean sections, all Gynaecological Laparoscopic procedures. Her area of interest is High risk pregnancy management, advanced laparoscopic surgery, medico legal aspects of clinical practice. She is well recognised in the field of Gynecology and regarded as one of the Best Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Kondapur, Hyderabad.
Area of Expertise:
Dr. Lakshmi Devi Appasani Practice at Rainbow Childrens Hospital Kondapur, Hyderabad.
Dr. Lakshmi Devi Appasani Education Qualifications are MBBS,MS(OBGYN)
Dr. Lakshmi Devi Appasani Specialized in Obstetrics & Gynecology