Dr. NITASHA BAGGA - Consultant - Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Banjara Hills (Hyderabad)

Dr. Nitasha Bagga

Consultant - Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Banjara Hills (Hyderabad)

MBBS, DNB (Pediatrics), IAP (Neonatology)

English, Hindi, Telugu Banjara Hills

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      Dr. Nitasha Bagga is an alumnus of the prestigious Assam Medical College and later pursued a DNB from Rainbow Hospitals. She has a Fellowship in Neonatology (IAP) and subsequently joined Rainbow as a faculty.

      Dr. Nitasha has Special interest in preterm nutrition, quality improvement initiatives, Breastfeeding and human milk banking. She has various publications and is a reviewer in national and international journals and has written many book chapters.

      She has special interest in training programmes for nurses, pediatric and neonatal residents. She is the lead consultant for Human Milk Bank and Breastfeeding Support Group at Rainbow Children’s Hospital.

      Banjara Hills

      Road No. 2, Near Hotel Park Hyatt, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034


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      Image Do not follow children, do not force them to eat.
      Image 1 out of 10 babies are born early globally; India had highest numbers in the year 2020
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      Image What Are The Nutrient Essentials For Newborns? Experts Explain The Benefits Of Breast Milk
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