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Dr. Triveni Arun Akkiraju is one of the top Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Sahakarnagar, Hebbal, Bangalore. She has an extensive experience of over 17 years, is a distinguished & one of the best Obstetrician & Gynecologist . She holds an MBBS from Ramaiah Medical College , Bangalore , M.D from Kathmandu University and MRCOG from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, London ,UK. She has performed over 8,000 deliveries in 17 years and handled more than 1,000 high-risk and complicated pregnancies, Laparoscopic surgeries and more than 5000 minor procedures. She is one of the renowned & recognized doctor for performing normal & instrumental deliveries and encourages natural birthing process over C-Section. She practices an evidence based medicine for a safe & best patient care. She has gained vast experience & adapt in managing all kinds of low & high risk complicated pregnancies, infertility treatment, complex gynecological problems and complicated caesarean sections. She is skilled at laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgeries, amongst other surgical procedures. She has worked & gained vast experience with renowned corporate setups like Manipal hospital & cloudnine hospitals Bangalore. She is currently working as a senior consultant at Rainbow hospital (Birth Right for safe delivery) Hebbal, Bangalore.
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