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Dr Ashwini S G is a top Obstetrician & Gynecologist, specialised in Fertility & IVF treatment in Hebbal, Bangalore with an experience of over 23 years in these fields. She is an expert in Obstetric and Gynecology graduated MS in the same, post which she expanded her exposure obtaining fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from Padmishri Dr Kamini Rao. She is an infertility specialist with good outcomes in IVF including low ovarian reserve, previous IVF failures, thin endometrium, donor surrogacy, sound knowledge of Assited reproduction. She manages high-risk deliveries, complicated pregnancies like recurrent abortion, diabetes, twins, hypertension, Medical problems with pregnancy, etc. Dr Ashwini is dedicated and committed to her profession especially when the couple has difficulty in conceiving. She is proficient in all the Infertility procedures and deals her patients with compassion which puts them at ease during the treatment. Dr Ashwini is very ethical in her approach in evaluation and treatment methods. She has also presented many papers in National and International conferences and won prizes for the same. She has published various articles, written chapters in FOGSI-FOCUS and in text book of Infertility. She also attended many conferences as Faculty. She is very passionate about treating Infertile couple giving high success rate.