MBBS, MD(Paediatrics), DM(Neonatology)
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Dr. Saravanan R is a top Pediatric Neonatologist in Bannerghatta, Bangalore. He has completed his medical schooling at Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore. He won a gold medal in Pediatrics and ENT during his under graduation. His passion for children made him pursue a specialty in Pediatrics. He completed his M.D. Pediatrics in the acclaimed Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University and was awarded as the best outgoing student. After completing his M.D. Pediatrics he gained valuable experience at Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital, Chennai. To provide the perfect start to newborn babies and to ensure ideal care for newborns, born prematurely he wanted to specialize in Neonatology.
Hence he completed his super Specialty (D.M) in Neonatology at the prestigious Institute of Child Health at Madras Medical College, Chennai. After specialization, he was a part of the Neonatology division at Sri Ramachandra Medical College a level 3B accredited tertiary care neonatal unit. On the academic front, he has numerous national and international publications. He has been a faculty in numerous conferences. His research work was selected for podium presentation at the esteemed American Pediatric Academic Society Meet 2017, San Francisco, USA, and was widely acclaimed. His areas of interest are Child Development Guidance and follow-up of premature neonates. He is well recognised in the field of Pediatrics and regarded as one of the best Pediatric Neonatologist in Bannerghatta, Bangalore.Dr. Saravanan R is a top Pediatric Neonatologist in Bannerghatta, Bangalore. He has completed his medical schooling at Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore. He won a gold medal in Pediatrics and ENT during his under graduation. His passion for children made him pursue a specialty in Pediatrics. He completed his M.D. Pediatrics in the acclaimed Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University and was awarded as the best outgoing student. After completing his M.D. Pediatrics he gained valuable experience at Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital, Chennai. To provide the perfect start to newborn babies and to ensure ideal care for newborns, born prematurely he wanted to specialize in Neonatology.Hence he completed his super Specialty (D.M) in Neonatology at the prestigious Institute of Child Health at Madras Medical College, Chennai. After specialization, he was a part of the Neonatology division at Sri Ramachandra Medical College a level 3B accredited tertiary care neonatal unit. On the academic front, he has numerous national and international publications. He has been a faculty in numerous conferences. His research work was selected for podium presentation at the esteemed American Pediatric Academic Society Meet 2017, San Francisco, USA, and was widely acclaimed. His areas of interest are Child Development Guidance and follow-up of premature neonates. He is well recognised in the field of Pediatrics and regarded as one of the best Pediatric Neonatologist in Bannerghatta, Bangalore.
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