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Metabolic Liver Disease in children


Dr. R Ganesh

26 November 2020

Metabolic liver disease is a disorder in which abnormal chemical reactions in the body disrupt the body’s metabolism. When this happens, the body has too much of some substances or too little of others to stay healthy.

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Metabolic Liver Disease in children


Dr. R Ganesh

26 November 2020

Metabolic liver disease is a disorder in which abnormal chemical reactions in the body disrupt the body’s metabolism. When this happens, the body has too much of some substances or too little of others to stay healthy.

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Pediatric Neuro Critical Care, Refractory Status Epilepticus – What Next?


Dr. Karthik Narayanan.

28 December 2020

Rainbow Children's Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru presents A Live webinars-section on ""Pediatric Neuro Critical Care, Refractory Status Epilepticus – What Next?

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Fluid overload has been associated with poor outcome in critically ill patients. Therefore, assessment of fluid status is crucial in intensive care setting. Clinical and conventional methods of fluid assessment, such as daily weights, fluid intake and output are either not feasible or not accurate. Therefore, there is a need for a reliable and feasible method or tool to assess fluid status in critically ill patients.
There is a growing interest in non-invasive method such as electrical cardiography, which works on the principle of electrical bio-impedance. This method allows measurement of various parameters of hemodynamic and fluid status such as Thoracic Fluid Content, Stroke Volume Variation, Corrected Flow Time along with Cardiac Output based on the amount of current reflected back from the red blood cells as they pass through the aorta, which is dependent on their flow and orientation. This manuscript reviews pros and cons of different methods of fluid assessment and potential future methodologies such as electrical cardiography to assess fluid status in critically ill patients.

June 01, 2019| Saturday, 12:22

Rainbow Pediatric Journal

Fluid overload has been associated with poor outcome in critically ill patients. Therefore, assessment of fluid status is crucial in intensive care setting

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